♥ Friday, March 28, 2008
hey yaw...
hehe ((:
kk,l0ng time ii kn0w ii never bl0g,c0z ii feel there's n0thing f0r me t0 bl0g...
just n0w aftern0on met Netty f0r a while,t0 take hair curler,& guess what?!
ii als0 wanna cut hair sh0rt but c0nsperm l0ts & l0ts of pe0ple will c0mplain 0ne,hahaha..
even bef0re ii reached h0me,MUM sms me,"Cepat pulang kamu.Jgn nak bersembang lame-lame. . . . . . . . "
idi0t right??lucky ii was already near my h0me bust0p,LOL!
then spent thinking all aftern0on h0w t0 make up f0r this Sat and this was de 0utcome....
nice 0r n0t?? can make it 0r n0t??

then nothing much..then ii end here,hehe..
will update m0re,s0on kk...
Labels: b0yfie, ii lup deeps deeps
Blogged @ 1:32 AM
♥ Sunday, March 23, 2008
sunday blues
eW0o there!!w0w...it's been lyk 5 days ii haven't been bl0gging ar,hahaha....
n0thing much happen ar except f0r being sick!!! (~_~)
this m0nth menses really g0nna kill me sia...thanks t0 it,ii have few sleepless night seh...
guess what pe0ple??
ii'm de type wh0 is very de lazybum,study last minute while otw t0 skewl but guess again..
can U believe that ii score 4 pointer f0r my final exams?! ii d0n't sey!! cann0t believe als0 g0t...0n de 0ther hand,was happy t0 heard de results...Thanks to all who pray hard f0r me t0 d0 well,Thankiu very Nice!!! ((:
0MG,0MG,IT'S LYK A B0RING SUNDAY........HAVE T0 STAY H0ME WITH NOTHING T0 D0,HAISH....................(O.O)"
wanna g0 0ut,but then n0 plan,n0 partner in crime,n0 cash,n0 m0od,HAIY0!!!
basically,ii miss l0ts l0ts 0f ppl seh.....!!!
then as f0r my lups...
ii lyk cann0t wait f0r de p0st party Chingay at Grand Copthorne Waterfront...den ii lyk g0t 0ne request t0 make t0 Hakim Flair Nati0n...provided He g0 sey...ii want Him & Me g0 as a c0uple f0r that night 0nly,geee......pr0vided IF HE WANT...
klah,till here...will bl0g again s0on with m0re new things & news,hahaha...lup euu pe0ple,muacKz!!

rand0m pic ii f0und,cute rite...hehe (;
Labels: guys will be guys
Blogged @ 12:31 PM
♥ Tuesday, March 18, 2008
my date
-17 March 2008-
had a date with V Darling,hahaha...kuku lah we 2...nothing better t0 d0,went t0 t0wn 0n M0NDAY t0 watch 0ur eyes,L0L! n0t that really lucky,we get t0 see few guys in unif0rms and s0me unkn0wn pe0ple in the c0mmunity wh0 are,n0t bad quite str0ng,hahaha!! ^_^
then walk ar0und 0rchard t0 see few 0f 0ur friends wh0 was w0rking there t0day but t0o bad lah,0ur intensi0n was 0nly wind0w sh0pping!! heee....
went t0 eat at Far East Plaza den we pr0ceed t0 Lidd0 & hang 0ut ar0und there lyk until 6.30pm bef0re proceeding t0 Novena Square...
wait & wait & wait,Zeella tak timbul-timbul seh....
by the time Zeella Syg c0me,ii have t0 g0 off...what t0 d0,say t0 my mum g0 skewl but end up ii g0 out,hahaha!!
reached h0me ar0und 9.30pm?? s0 g0ody go0dy ling ling rite,hahaha!! ((:
-18 March 2008-
haish...ii can't wait seh t0 g0 out with ma b0yfie later seh!!! at last we're 0k back t0gether,HAHAHA!! den ii g0t n0 ch0ice but t0 d0 all the h0useh0ld ch0res bef0re ii can g0 out with b0yfie,if n0t my mum will lecture me luar dalam kain seh!!hmph!
n0t f0rget b0ut s0mething...
Hafiz lah!!
call Him,he can say my v0ice s0und lyk a guy!! s0 mean rite!! den when ii say that ii miss cn,he said miss lah!
but then he scared 0f me meraj0k tau,hahaha!! always threaten Him ii wanna hung up the f0ne in a sad t0ne,then he will quickly say nicely t0 me,manje-manje lah k0non!! bLuek!!
klah,will st0p my talking here,c0ntinue later...
Blogged @ 1:04 AM
♥ Monday, March 17, 2008
what a day
-15 March 2008-
basically,ii have t0 be de make up artist 0f de day...fun lah but tired als0 seh...1st st0p was at Kallang MRT Stati0n,where ii make f0r Zeella syg at de mrt ststi0n nyer staircase seh!! den came this unkn0wn guy wanna sell make up pr0ducts t0 me,kuku!! lyk s0me JI g0t lah!! hahaha (;
after that,V & ii pr0ceed t0 Sengkang and g0t a bit kuku with de LRT line,haiy0h!! stupid west loop...g0t t0 Anch0rville CC,s0 de deserted lah that place...de meet up with V crew and start t0 make up f0r them g0thic c0ncept...but ii find lyk n0t g0thic seh,dunn0 lah whether they lyk it 0r n0t...(O.O)"
thinking after make up f0r them ii can get a rest,but ii have t0 continue and make up f0r lyk an0ther 10 or less,ii can't remember...my leg was already lyk cramp seh!! in de end,everything was 0ver and d0ne..when get to the battle gr0und,ii saw Flair Nati0n lah,s0 excited!! salam & hug s0me of them and was even m0re excited t0 kn0w if that s0me0ne c0me...indeed he came!! HAKIM!!! ii miss U lah...den get t0 hug Him...wanna hug l0ng2 but ii'm just a friend seh,haish...watch de c0mpetiti0n then n0t l0ng,g0 up t0 de studi0,pack up & get ready t0 leave...
wah,Sengkang is a useless place lah...s0 hard t0 get a bl00dy taxi lah!! lucky g0t 0ne,after a l0ng3 walk then pr0ceed t0 PLAY whereby ii did enter but f0r a while 0nly...g0 t0 eat,not enough cash,V blanja,hehehe ((:
Thankiu very nice lah Darling!!!
den ii pr0ceed h0me after that t0ok train,reached ar0und 11++..
0ne m0re thing,many3 s0rry t0 Hafiz..............
ii kn0w my attitude sucks while chatting with U due t0 my n0 m0od,thanx again t0 my b0yfie lah...
S0RRY kk HAFIZ!!! ((:
-16 March 2008-
stayed h0me,s0 b0red until ii watch Ben 10 at Carto0nnNetwork f0r few h0urs n0n-st0p!! hahaha...nothing better t0 d0 lah...('.')
at night my b0yfie came 0ver,instead 0f the situati0n being back t0 ok,we end up fighting again!! haiyah,dunn0 when it g0nna end lah...
-17 March 2008-
s0 b0red t0 de MAX!!! ii miss Hafiz cn??
he's n0t 0nline then ii feel s0 sad,dunn0 why,haish...
then later g0ing t0 meet V & we g0nna g0 out 0n a date,hahaha!! g0ing t0 watch 0ur eyes at t0wn,dunn0 h0w's de atm0sphere g0ing t0 be,LOL!
klah,dat's all f0r t0nite kk...update m0re after de date,hahaha...
nitty nitex, muah! <3
Labels: what happened if ii'm single
Blogged @ 1:46 AM
♥ Saturday, March 15, 2008
b0redness strike
s0 happy n0w that ii d0n't have t0 g0 t0 skewl f0r less0ns!!
0nly after ii finish my IA,ii have t0 d0 a small presenti0n in skewl lah..
yesterday was lyk my last paper and f0r sure ii kn0w ii c0ck it up..ii study seh but n0thing g0es t0 my brain lah!! argh!! what's d0ne can't be und0ne,hehe (;
guess what?!
ii hate my b0yfie lah!! he's on MC then expect me t0 g0 all way t0 w00dlands when ii got h0useh0ld ch0res t0 d0 at home?! then when call at night,he got angry..he said very de b0red t0 stay h0me & it's my faulf f0r n0t meeting Him..KUKU RIGHT!! think ii r0bot ar can thr0w here & there?!
then nevermind,it's 0K if we never meet up t0day..might as well d0n't meet f0r a year als0 can..ii can enj0y my life with my friends!! (^_^)
f0rget ab0ut that kuku,back t0 me,hahah!!
simply ii was b0red at h0me after de ch0res..then ii start t0 d0 manicure f0r myself..basically p00r in shape as l0ng time never d0 mani/pedi..my pedicure sucks t0 the c0re after d0ing it but whu cares!! it's 0n my feets n0t urs s0 don't kep0!! hahaha...
b0redness came kn0cking again s0 ii decide t0 take pics with webbie!! hahaha..
seri0usly,ii dunn0 h0w t0 p0se lah..L0L!!
kk,n0w ii have t0 head t0 bed...c0z meeting Zeella & V at tanah merah by 12.30pm!! and g0t feeling lyk ii will be late,hee!
klah,that's all peeps..see ya again in a new chapter..hahaha!!
muacKz! <3

Labels: caN ii be singLe
Blogged @ 3:37 AM
♥ Wednesday, March 12, 2008
things happen for a reason
lyk l0ng time lyk that never bl0g,hahaha...
0k,lyk yesterday,ii mean,11 march...
was supp0sed t0 g0 study with Jana lupz but in de end ii buih her sia...den never g0 study,haish....
s0rry tau syg!!
den ii was 0ut 0f h0use already kn,den decided t0 meet V lah...den he said g0t NDP prac,s0 ii just g0 ahead meet Him lah...
in de end kn,ii kena auditi0n seh,hmph!!lucky easy,klau tak,ii garuk kepala seh at there!!hehehe (^_^)
kk,seems lyk n0w my life is back t0 n0rmal..0k with b0yfie and everything..
n0w,ii make new fren..His name is Hafiz..Chelsea Fanatic but always tersengeh when see me in webcam,haiy0!!but ii happy lah t0 see Him in webcam :)
after what had happened t0 me,ii find it weird.. Hafiz kindness,His smiles...
ii lyk it but ii dunn0 why ii can't accept it..after h0w guys treated me except f0r my b0yfie,it's hard f0r me t0 trust guys...
ii suddenly feel sad thinking b0ut it...haish...
can give me a smack in de head??(?_?)
dat's kuku Hafiz,hee =)
s0rry Hafiz f0r making U w0rried...ii n0e U care as a fren but kn,ii dunn0 lah..ii lyk jual mahal t0 understand seh...but kn,ii'm happy t0 have U as my fren tau...seri0usly...ii swear!! =p
klah,ii will st0p my nonsense..bef0re ii end up crying rite,ii shall st0p my kukuness n0w..
dats all kk,f0r t0nite..
peace,1 love!
Labels: ii c0nfused cn
Blogged @ 3:06 AM
♥ Saturday, March 8, 2008
should be ok now
l0w l0w l0w l0w l0w l0w l0w l0w....
hahaha!! :)
at last b0yfie & ii 0kay already!!!
btw,s0rry f0r n0t updating ma bl0g..tired with life lah..then sick s0mem0re..
pity me tak??hahaha..
n0w busy study..m0nday exams already!!
haish,dengan berkat Tuhan & my hardwerk,ii sh0uld make it kn,hehehe (^_^)
0ne m0re thing kn,very de rand0m tau,ii miss Hakim Flair Nati0n seh!!!
0k,s0 de rand0m and pe0ple,dun get the wr0ng idea ehk!!
hehehe!! (c")
and ii miss V t00!! darLz,U g0t t0 be str0ng kk...n0 matter what,we have rite...whoever messes with U,tells us then Darren 0tw t0 help,hehehe...
n0w kn,ii feel lyk make up artist tau...but kn,make artist STAR KARAT!!hahahah...
nak make up kn my crew,but end up being late seh!!
s0rry tau pe0ple,hehehe...
den bel0w,pics 0f the day,hahaha..
see that!!ii never smile,my cheeks dah s0 r0und seh!!
gain weight lah,but whu cares...
if U l0ve me,sh0uld l0ve me f0r wh0 ii am,n0t f0r what ii am..

klah,that's all f0r t0nite..
Labels: ii miss l0ts 0f pe0ple
Blogged @ 11:25 PM
♥ Wednesday, March 5, 2008
emotionally sad
hey there...
ii dunn0 where t0 start even..
my b0yfie and ii had be quarrelling since lyk Sunday,ii assume,till t0day..
yet things are still the way it is..ii'm crying as ii type this bc0z ii dunn0 what's the 0utc0me 0f us lately..
just bc0z ii didn't let U hear my c0nferance talk,U get angry with me till t0day..is this h0w U've always treated me??is this the Teddy ii knew in the 1st place??ii seri0usly dunn0 what's g0nna happened t0 us..
ii feel that U've already drifted apart fr0m me..what wr0ng have ii d0ne??can't U just tell me and we can s0lved it just lyk the 0ld days...
why are U being s0 eg0 suddenly??am ii still in y0ur heart??
ii can hardly c0ncentrate 0n my everyday life..exams are cuming,ii'm n0t even prepared..ii dunn0 whether ii can study 0r n0t..seri0usly,ii'm at my weakest p0int n0w..if this g0es 0n,ii w0n't be the same Wani..bc0z the Wani 0n the 0utside are fake..
everything she d0es are f0r her friends sake..she d0n't want any 0f them t0 w0rry f0r her..
Ya Allah,please give me strength t0 keep me going 0n my everyday life..
P.S. ii really misses U a lot.. =)
Labels: do U still l0ve me??
Blogged @ 11:56 PM
♥ Tuesday, March 4, 2008
what's happening
0kay,yesterday,ii mean de 3 March...
It was lyk a b0ring day f0r me,seri0usly...
had n0thing t0,simpLy just watch teebee and play with ma kitties...
ii f0ught with ma b0yfie lah....
den ii lyk mengadu nasib at my fren HairulNizam ar,but we end up fighting with each 0ther..
I'M S0RRY f0r neglecting y0ur feelings f0r me last time c0z ii seri0usly didn't kn0w U lyk me..but can't ii at least c0mplain t0 U what ii'm feeling n0w??instead U make a m0ckery 0ut of my werds..it really hurts my feelings U n0e..ii wanna cry but f0r sure U will say that th0se are cr0c0dile tears,haish...
End up n0w ii can't sleep..ii just want a c0mpani0n by my side n0w..let me cry by your side and let me j0ke with U till ii'm satisfied..w0uld any0ne d0 that f0r me,especially guys...??
that's HairulNizam
that's my display b0yfie (-_-)
0k,it's better that ii g0 and sleep rather then thinking t00 much 0f dunn0 what..let's see h0w t0day will be..
IF it still sucks,then there's must be s0mething wr0ng with me!!
Nitex and ChaL0!!
Labels: need to do soul-searching..
Blogged @ 3:38 AM
♥ Monday, March 3, 2008
beauty with a conscience
o0o0oh o0o0oh...
ii'm lyk s0 happy f0r ANTIBI0TICZ lah seh!!!
They w0n de Best Energize Award & Best Supp0rting Team!!!
They get $600 tau compared t0 de winner which gets $500 0nly!!
and they must belanja me,hahaha..
kidding 0nly!!
ii miss Hakim!! =)
ii miss V,my bother lah!!ii als0 miss my l0ng time never meet friend..
thankiu to U f0r entertaining my stupidity when ii was d0wn..kau jelah kwn ku lelaki yg faham perasaanku dan suke buruk-burukkn aku,hahaha...
n0w,ii must prepare myself f0r exams next week..
if n0t all my eff0rt in a year will g0 d0wn de drain,haish...

lastly,end de bl0g with a rand0m pic 0f mine...
ii miss my lups,my br0ther,my BFF,my b0yfie..
ii miss all lah basically!!!
P.S.ii need t0 sm0ke badly!!i wanna g0 club and g0 drinking als0!!haha...
Blogged @ 11:50 PM
♥ Sunday, March 2, 2008
ii realise that ii can't be left al0ne..
de m0ment ii'm al0ne,ii start t0 feel paran0id..
ii keep thinking what ii had d0ne and what was my past..
am ii crazy?? 0r am ii a big g0ng g0ng??
guess what? ii'm still n0t 0ver with what had happened..
p.s. ii still wanna cry till ii'm over and done with this situation
Blogged @ 1:47 AM
♥ Saturday, March 1, 2008
they make my day
ding d0ng!!
Basically,ii hate my day t0day...0nli 0n de mawning part till lyk aftern00n part...
ii was s0 happy when ii get t0 see V and de 0thers in de late aftern00n..
When V walk up t0 me at Yishun MRT stati0n,ii immediately hug HIM!!!
AUTOMATICALLY,ii cried......
U n0e what ii was feeling rite V...
When all 0f them have tap 0ut fr0m de c0ntr0l stati0n,first thing ii knew that they were sh0cked t0 see me cry....
And sincerely ii wanna thank these pe0ple f0r de hugs that ii needed..
Thank euu s0 much f0r de hugs and care u ppl..ii really appreciate it s0 much!!!
After being c0ns0le by V,ii feel much better and ii shuld n0t think 0f what had happened..
ii'm a w0man whu have t0 be str0ng and musn't let any guys take advantage 0f me anym0re...
ii'm crying as i type this..ii dunn0 why but ii'm very happy t0 have frens wh0 care f0r me s0 much...eventually,ii was as per n0rmal back when ii'm with de gang..
0k,then ii g0t h0me lyk ar0und 11.15pm as my b0yfie send me back h0me..kiss 0n de f0rehead bef0re he went 0ff..
That's all peeps f0r t0nite,ii will inf0rm U h0w ii feel de next day,hehe...
Nitex nitex,muacKz!!
p.s. ii dunn0 why suddenly ii feel that ii wanna be single
Blogged @ 12:33 AM