♥ Thursday, April 10, 2008

ii hate U,Syafiq!!!
there's n0 need f0r U t0 act c0Ldly t0wards me!!!
if U think ii'm n0 l0nger useful t0 U,LET ME G0 OKAY!!
ii feel lyk an idi0t,trying t0 uph0ld t0 this relati0nship...
but 0n the other hand,U simply can't beb0thered!!!
U treat me lyk shit,then U expect me to be nice to U??
tanya banyak-banyak,jawab sepatah...WTH!!!
g0 d0 s0ul-searching,open your eyes & think what U've done lately...
if U still can't think right,then d0n't b0ther finding me...
ii can't tolerate anym0re 0f y0ur attitude!!
s0....FUCK 0FF!!!
Labels: ASSH0LE
Blogged @ 11:42 PM
♥ Monday, April 7, 2008
-04 April 2008-
went 0ut with my b0yfie...went sh0pping,hahaha..ii nearly br0ke lah ehk...
a bl0use
knitted handbag
few pairs of earings
a watch
a necklace
inner garments
kec0h or what??spend nearly $100 f0r just few things OKAY!! hahaha..then after g0oing here & there,g0t a call fr0m His friend..
0ne 0f their member,de sister,is in a critical c0nditi0n of health..in the ph0ne de guy was crying,ii was laughing,hahaha!! ii know ii'm an idi0t..but can't imagine ar,de face and b0dy which are much much much much & many m0re much r0under then me,crying...guy seh,n0t lady 0kay...
then decided t0 give a visit at Dover Park Hospice,a h0spital where pe0ple suffered cancer & have N0 chance 0f living..sad t0 hear right..
bef0re heading there,we met an0ther of His member at a nearby Shell near Tan Tock Sheng Hospital...while waiTing.....
ii t0ok pics lah!!! hahaha ((:
tOok phant0m that day..
His friend called,janji melayu,LATE OF COZ!!
then He c0ntinue with His PSP..hmppft!! 
cam wh0ring...!!
mind me,pespiring + oily face,hahaha!!
after visiting de patient that night,received a bad news de next day,she passed away...can cry U know by just l0oking at her c0nditi0n..
haish,her time in this w0rld is up..eventually,she have t0 return t0 His Almighty..
n0w guess what?? happy-happy g0 out with b0yfie 0n friday,saturday we f0ught!! ARGH!! stupid lah ehk..hardly been talking t0 each other ever since then...
that's it lah folks..
t0odles~! (:
Blogged @ 10:12 PM
♥ Sunday, April 6, 2008
feeling lost
ii just wanna type 0ut what ii'm feeling right now..
"ii felt that ii've lost s0mething which very de imp0rtant t0 my life..
s0 imp0rtant that it have bec0me half 0f my life...
ii didn't realize it until ii l0ose it..
ii'm crying as ii'm typing...
ii just wish ii can have that s0mething back in my life..
be with me,by my side always...
and ii realize that ii can't survive without it..
please...ii'm begging n0w...please c0me back t0 me..."
Labels: iLy
Blogged @ 10:48 PM
♥ Wednesday, April 2, 2008

basically ii'm just slacking my last few h0lidays at h0me..
watch tv to kill time,g0t bored surf de net...simple boredness,head to bed & sleep,hahaha ((:
then suddenly ii feel sad seh...
because ii misses lots & lots 0f pe0ple lah!!!
dunn0 whether ii have en0ugh time to see them bef0re my attachment this m0nday..
haish..been posted t0 Juncti0n 8..lyk s0 kuku far fr0m my h0uselah..then they say thay ii can transfer 0nly after ii w0rk hard,L0L!
h0pe things will g0 well during my attachment & pray hard f0r me that ii will get a g0od rec0mendati0n fr0m I Nuovi yaw pe0ple...!!
guess what pe0ple?!
my gpa n0t 4 lah..thanks t0 my kuku friend who make me excited f0r n0thing je,hahaha..my gpa 0nly 3.882,even th0ugh my grades are all A,ler..
but then right,ii bersyukur with my results,hehe...
t0 my three imp0rtant pe0ple in my life.....
ii misses U pe0ple s0 muchies!!!
it seems that ii will be hardly meet V & Jana due t0 de upc0ming attachment,
klah,ii wanna rest 1st...feel s0 tired suddenly...
to0dles~! (:
Labels: hugs and kisses
Blogged @ 10:13 PM
♥ Tuesday, April 1, 2008
post chingay
hahaha ( (:
0KAY!!! de C ngay P0st Party was happening lah....t nking it w0uld be lame and b0ring but TAKLAH SEH!!!
it was held at Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel,a 5-star h0tel,hehe..d0ped lah de ballr0om..hahah,ii kn0w ii jakun ehk...
after de party,SUDDENLY II KENE MIGRAINE SEH!!!simply ii didn't have de m0od t0 entertain pe0ple..then we t0ok bus 75 head t0 City Hall..walk & walk head t0 undergr0und,by de time we reached,it was lyk 11 plus..there wasn't much pe0ple left ar...fr0m there,all 0f us take different ways..zeella,vimal & hykell went t0 eat..darren,haikal,hattri & hirzi must have headed back h0me & as f0r me,ii headed HOME SEH!!!with migrane killing 0ne side 0f ma brain,plus heavy bag,ii simply went h0me...
s0me pics taken bef0re my B0YFIE CAMERA runs 0ut 0f mem0ry,hehe...

Labels: hugs and kisses
Blogged @ 12:30 AM