♥ Tuesday, August 26, 2008
II'm seriously very sad....
So sad that II can't even cry properly....
My BF gave up on my attitude....
Isn't that the same as He is giving up on me???
Attitude is a part of someone right....
So that U will be different from another person right....
II dunno what's happening to my relationship but II know
it's getting worst....
This is what II feel bout Love...
It takes a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like
someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime
to forget someone.
It's true that we dunno what we've got until we lose it; but it's
also true that we dunno what we've been missing until
it arrives.
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before
meeting the right one, so that, when we finally meet the
right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.
However, the hardest thing to do, is watching someone you love,
loving someone else.
It's easy to fall in love, but the hard part is, finding someone
to catch you.
Who do you turn to, when the only person in the world,
who could stop you from crying, is actually the one
who made you cry? It's true, then.
You can't make someone love you, you can only make yourself,
a person that can be loved.
Love is not finding the perfect person,
but finding the imperfect person perfect.
If true love come knocking once in a lifetime,
make sure to open the door in your heart when it knocks.
Love is not blind-
it sees more and not less,
I Love You not only for what you are,
but for what I am when I'm with you.
Among those whom I like or admire,
I can find no denominator,
but among those whom I love, I can:
All of them make me laugh.
People hate for it. Talk shit for it. Get arrested for it.
Die for it.
Pray for it.
Hope for it.
Run for it.
Cry for it.
Love for it.
Kill for it.
Smile for it.
Laugh for it.
Worry for it.
Fuck for it.
Love is a horible thing, you never have to take it away
from someone, to give it to another.
There's always more than enough to go round.
Love is friendship set on fire...
Whispering sweet-nothings, to the doubtful ears...
Wishing fervently, to conceal it altogether.
Tired of staring right in the face, waiting to
be embraced,
coz that's never gonna make any of us safe.
By the hunger of absolute truth,
"You can't lose whatyou never had."
Now choke on this-
If love is a joke, I don't get it.
A damn sick lame joke, that is!
Everytime I tried to be,
what they wanted from me,
it never came naturally,
I'm humanlly unable to please everyone!
Laugh, then.
Basically today blog is long..
Sorry for that..
II'm at a point of giving up now..
Just wish for Miracle to happen.........
Blogged @ 10:19 PM
♥ Saturday, August 23, 2008
It's lyk Oh Wow!!!
What The Fuck ehk!!!
Guess what?!
My BF..
He never call me, never even bother wanna solve our prob...
even better...
He can balik kampong lah sia!!!
4 plus in the afternoon, he msg...
"I want to ease my mind 4 the time being... Gd bye..."
What The Fuck right!!!
II was angry, was sad, pissed off & wanna cry got...
But II told myself, Wani, U shouldn't cry for a man whose ego are much more
important than U... So II got to be strong and independent...
There's somebody else out there may aslo love U right??
hehehe [=
Than ya, my day as usual are always boring...
been at home ONLY....
Out of the blue or purple...
Khamil His name...
Maybe due that II hardly meet Him, which causes me to
misses Him a lot...
hehe [=
But serious ehk, from bottom of my heart, II do misses U a lot..
After that, II go sight seeing people's blog lah...
Came across one which makes my fingers itchy to talk about Her..
She think she's some Ms Hottie who thinks very good of herself lah...
Hope when she sees the mirror, how II wish the mirror can tell how bad she is...
U see, looks are not important U know in this world...
Cause U're just borrowing it while U're living on this Earth...
What counts is the Heart...
If U're Pretty but U have a bad conscience for what right??
U lyk to make sarcasm behind people's back..
But when people did that to U, U can't accept it...
C'mon lah girl, this is life ey...
Noting is perfect in the world...
One more thing...
Plz don't use thick eyeliner, there's such thing called Eyeshadow U know...
So ya...
Nothing much to add in already..
Will be visiting my Uncle in prison later mawning..
how II wish can take photo of Him but U know prison
they and their strict rules...
heading to bed now
more updates soon..
Zo0m Z0om!!
Blogged @ 2:07 AM
♥ Thursday, August 21, 2008
This is going to be some rand0m post ey...
1st of all, II should Congrats my Abg Sedare...
for getting a baby boy...
shotgun U know,hahaha!!
Name Putera Syafiq Bin..........
coz' II know my Abg haven't go ROM yet...
wonder how the son will grow up to be.....
He's a Matrep...so ya
Okay...bout me and BF, things still the same...
He haven't contact me & II actually put my ego aside and II msg Him sorry okay!!
yet he never reply at all...
Whatever to U lah...
Then at night, even best....
My ex-BF suddenly ask what II'm doing all.....
II was lyk What The Fuck???
He called but II didn't answer...
This is what he msg me...
"Wani, mayb U'r avoiding me...I noe dat U'r still angry for the stupid
thing I did to U.. I had
been msging and call U... I'm sorry if I had
disturb U... Wani, let me tell U dis... I won't forget U..."
II lyk was laughing and rolling on my bed lah...
Everytime II fought with my BF, sure some random guys will stop by and say Hi...
FYI, this specific ex-BF of mine dumped me for noting U know...
He thought by being single, he can get to know more girls...
So he dumped me lah but in the end, he gets nothing basically...
But actually now He's attached already..
Dunno what's His motive...
that's Him... Zaid his name...
So girls out there, beware If U encounter Him...
usually His motive of being nice to me is because of Lust...
So girls, be careful coz' He may be deceiving at times...
This part, very random lah ehk....
what happened IF 10K Miles Re-Unite ar???
hahahaha!!1st, U will been hearing protest from 2 ladies...
Basically, that will be Netty & Me, hahah!!
Serious ehk....
and V, if U're reading this, don't U dare start planning ehk...
this is just a random question of re-unite....
Day by day, II keep gaining weight lah sey....
Wanna go swimming as my exercise routine but it never happens...
Pure Lazy U can say....

that's Me before ITE starts...
that's Me, during ITE...
that's Me after ITE end...
II know there's a lot of differents... trying to work it out...
Klah, that's all II would say for now...
To0dles~! Zoom Zoom!!
Blogged @ 7:45 PM
♥ Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Today is a Fucking Day!!!
II got so fucking pissed off and ya, might as well go home right!!
Was supposed to meet Boyfie today and supposed to went out...
Well, we did meet up lyk around nearly 4pm when
we're supposed to meet at 12 pluss noon??
II think he left His house around 2pm??
When II'm all ready at home, got a called from Him...
He sounded pissed off because someone faggots humans cut through
His bike seats then he told me to wait lah...
Wait, wait, wait and wait....call Him never answer then around 3 plus, He called saying he's at 219 Bike Shop.....
dunno how to call me in the 1st place and inform me that U will be going
to 219 is it??!!
wait until II got tired, sleepy, hungry and he say he will reach soon.....
KNN!! CB!! Go & Die!!
When he reached my area, dunno how to say sorry for being late right...
II make face lah!! Member not happy...never talk then we ride to Beach Road...
He was supposed to buy for me this specific bag II want...
Bloody Hell, found the bag oready...II ask lah,"Can buy or not..."
He gave me this fucking face and said "U using what,so?"
KNN!! CB!!
II got more pissed off then II said,"Forget it lah!"
Both walked off...
He went off just lyk that to His friend's stall and as for me,
II just walk towards the bike....
Was supposed to go Hougang today to find the house of an old taylor of mine
which II've been telling my BF for months
but guess what?!
After 15 mins of me being alone, He came and sat at the bike...
II ask lah,"Going Hougang or not??"
Simple reply from Him,"For what?"
Wah!!! My darah up gile sia!!!
II shout,"Forget It, Send Me Home!!!"
At last, he then listen to what II said....
Got home only, right at my door, the moment II step into the house
with the helmet still on my head,
II start cursing my BF upside down.
My mum look at me one kind, hahah...
1st time seeing her daughter getting angry...
II slam everything and just sit in my room....
II really HATE IT EHK when people give me false hopes, say only but never do & II'm NO LONGER EXCITED FOR MY ZOO TRIP & RAYA EHK!!!!
Blogged @ 8:20 PM
♥ Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Its lyk II haven't been going out so II've been playing make up at home...hahahaha
II know it sound lame, but at least II still got my touch for makeup,LOL!!

II don't know....Now things around me seems to be different...very II can say...II seems to lost the touch from my friends....maybe b'coz II hardly meet up with any of them....but it's true lah...Then now, II fought with Boyfie...
due to miscommunication, lack of understanding with each other or maybe things between us can't worked out anymore???
Everyday II tried to keep myself occupied with stupid things which II can do at home but II still will end up getting bored.....haish.....
And you know II did to really occupied myself with???
keep imaginating untill II dunno what else to imagine of, hahahaha!!!
haiyah...my phone now also hardly rang...only lyk my mum, my dad & a friend of mine would rang me...might as well II dump my phone in the toilet right, hmppft!!
alright then, anything II will update soon...hah!
Blogged @ 7:26 PM