♥ Wednesday, November 26, 2008
movie marathon

Very Fantasy Movie

Blogged @ 3:06 AM
♥ Monday, November 24, 2008
Be Anti-Social
II misses all my friends...
II miss being around You all...
II miss the fun, laughter & joy we had...
II miss getting hug...
But II can't help it, just want to be alone now...
Blogged @ 12:35 AM
♥ Tuesday, November 18, 2008
any hope?

Nobody loves Me...
Just a Stupid Fat Girl...
Even better, II'm a piece of Rubbish!..
Blogged @ 8:55 PM
♥ Monday, November 17, 2008
hey hey...
Guess what?!
You can call me crazy, siao or
what-so-ever, II don't bother..
Mum bought my 1 and only Hamster,
a new home!!
that's Him..
that's the new home..
The cage have a divider inside it..
Bigger area...
But too bad II only have 1 male hamster in it..
It look damn small lah running here & there, LOL!
but II'm happy for my hamster, dunno know why...
heheh [=
That's all ehk...
*Whoever wanna give away hamster, beep me up kays? [=
Blogged @ 9:26 PM
♥ Saturday, November 15, 2008
Do You get fed up when things You want,
but yet You can't get it??
II did okay!!
II know II'm not working..
So thing II want all, II either have to beg or
make pitiful face for it..
Then that time went shopping with my Mum,
II didn't get 1 thing..
That was shoes!!
Mum said enough for my spending..
when actually II didn't bought much stuff sey...
So guess what??
II asked BF for a pair of simple pumps..
Guess again..
II got scolded okay!!
Coz' supposed today, we have a plan to go out together..
II can't get my pumps, we end up never go out at all!!
Last guess people......
II fall Sick!!
Dunno why..
Everytime fought, confirm II end up sick..
Can't blame for it...
Weak immune system lah..
Now not on talking terms with BF, hahah!!
Can't bebothered..
Got my "siblings" to entertain me...
need some rest now..
The pain in my head is killing me!!
z0om Zo0m!!
Blogged @ 9:12 AM
♥ Friday, November 14, 2008
Friday mawning II'm out of the house already!!hahah!!
Dread waking up early, but II've no choice okay..
II went to this place..

Wondering where??hahah..
It's Changi Prison..
the new look, LOL!
Visit my 1st uncle in there..
Sentence for house breaking, 12 years, if not wrong..
Soon to be released..
Wah, II tell you...
If You have any relatives in there, take Tele-Visit!!
Don't take Face-to-face visit!!
The distance to walk to the inner prison damn long sia...
The slower u walk, the longer time the other people have to
wait for ya in the Waiting Room..
Walk so far, the duration for us to talk only 20 mins?!
Pathetic right...
Than ya..
After that, off my mum and II to Bugis Street..
Do her shopping and my shopping..
It's been long since II had mother to daughter bonding..
Alhamdulilah, my mum and II can say now have a close relationship,
unlike last time [=
Then not enough shopping in Bugis, still got time ehk went to China Town!!
till late evening...
So sorry to V...
II was unable to meet You...
Hope You understand ay [=
But II miss the chance to ride the Singapore Flyer..
It's okay..Maybe II will have the chance again 1 day, hahah!!
Okay then..
Till here..
Z0om zo0m!!
Blogged @ 8:44 AM
♥ Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Call me childish or what,
II don't care ay, hahah!!
II've been watching 2 long run of episodes now..
Powerpuff Girls Z
Corner with Love
Both shows all half way through already, hahah!!
This is what You get for staying home most of the time,hahah!!

Okay..wanna continue watching..
be back with more news..
Blogged @ 9:30 AM
♥ Monday, November 10, 2008
Hey hey...
II'm like a movie freaked okay...
so excited to see new movies online instead in cinema, hahah!!
Have been doing movie marathon lately...

Nothing much happen in life...
Lagging at home..
II misses my friends...
No worries, II will find a job sooner or later...
Blogged @ 8:26 AM
♥ Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Guess what?!
For real ay, my mum really did order
this High Q+ supplement ehk..
Like back to basic my mum is treating me,
Even better, she will be join me to eat this
supplement, LOL!
Btw, it taste nice..like sweets, hahah!!
Containing the perfect combination of DHA, probiotics and vitamins
Vital for brain and eye development
Essential for overall development and a healthy immune system
Reduce the risk of heart disease
Aids digestion and maintains a healthy balance between good and bad bacteria
Helps fight off diseases and keep the entire family healthy
Simple kids supplement but yet many benefits..
Cool huh...
Blogged @ 2:28 PM
♥ Monday, November 3, 2008
II've fallen sick seh, as usual Migraine...
thanks to lack of sleep & II've to wake up
early for a wedding...
II complain to my mum about my migraine...
Suddenly she recommend to eat High Q+ Fruity Mix sia..
so called a supplements for kids but adults too can
consume it,LOL!
It was BF's friend wedding..
Thinking that the wedding was held only at
the lady's side..
but end up, in the evening, the guy's side also held
one at some specific restaurant at Joo Chiat Rd there, hahah..
You know...
II don't like to eat at wedding function ay...
You shiok shiok eating, who knows one corner, someone's
looking at You???
So end up II didn't eat but only smokes..
Then right...
Late evening already, II cannot tahan sia...
Tell BF II'm so gonna eat at the guy's side, so hungry...
II tell You, my BF "too kind", the serving he took for my rice
was nearly half a plate okay!!
Lucky II finished it, hahahaha!!
Not forgetting the desserts!!
The Popiah Banana was so shiok,
BF keep taking after each servings finish ehk!!
But the other guests also did the same, ahahah!!
Guess what again??!!
One table, got 10 chairs ay..
Got family members of BF's friends all lah...
Then right...
Got one of BF's friend, who used to date me, who
now is engaged & his fiance sat next to him, sat one
table wit us lah.......
As usual, II start to manje manje with my guy,
when he's looking on the opposite of me, hahahah!!
Okay, enough of rubbish..
ii look like prengat sia!!

kuku BF holding the Bunga Mangga
Congrats Syarif & Shidah!!
wife giving speech, look what the husband doing, hahah!!
You know..my dear BF right, not bad quite strong ay...Just bcoz the lady's side was at Woodlands,he got the time go home, change into another shirt...Who's getting married, who's excited here, hahaha!!Want to look nice but dunno how to iron the damn shirt!!hmppft!!Basically, that's all ay...II miss V!!My lups Jana & Wano!!Get to spent time with you two ladiesa while je sey that time...hmmm ]=II wanna meet my BFF!!Klah, gtg..Zo0m,z0om!!
Blogged @ 3:07 AM