♥ Friday, January 30, 2009
Sudden random ay...II want Siberian huskies Dogs...........!!!
Why Indonesia Islam can keep dogs??!!
Why Singapore Islam can't keep dogs??!!
Why Islam must have different types one.....
If not II tell U girl....
My house really can be SPCA sia....
Only my mum know my damn attitude...
If II saw this specific Golden Retriever in my neighbourhood,
II will start touching it and hugging it!!!
II tell U joy,
Shiok sia!!!
It's old, so the size is very the Huge ay....
wanna bring home only...
ok enough..
II know...
Please entertain to her stupidity.
Thank U so much gays (:
Blogged @ 2:07 AM
♥ Thursday, January 29, 2009
how how how
II tell U girl.....
II feel so paranoid sia!!!!
Always get this feeling only when menses come........
Than right, at the same time.........
II have to be understanding (:
Stupid paranoid!
Don't disturb me cn?!
Dear J, II miss U le
Blogged @ 2:57 AM
♥ Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Happy 2 years Anniversary Hubby!!!!
Its been 2 years plus knowing you...
Our relationship 2 years now...
So many up and down ehk...
At times II hate U..
At times II love U..
U my Pig, hahaha!!
But right......
Nvm, as long we can go far, we continue kay (:
Just don't hurt me physically again cn??
Pain U know....

Muah!! Muah!!
Blogged @ 12:02 AM
♥ Sunday, January 25, 2009
Huat ah!!
okay, too much influence from Justin...
Alright, 1st outing with friends for 2009 ehk...
We meet up and decided to watch movie....
1st wanna watch Ong Bak2...
Than chnage to Love Matters...
II tell U girl, funny ehk!!!
Worth the bucks to watch okay...
rating 9/10Than yup...
proceed to have dinner around 6plus in the evening, hahaha!!
II tell U girl, II cannot eat peacefully...
Coz' II wore low cut ay, than many people "washing"
theirs eyes on my chest, not me ay!!!
Than ya...
proceed to Taka and lepak lah...
there also many people "washing" eyes on my
chest again...
From the info II got lah, hahahAha!!
Even got stalker follow us ehk!!
Lepak and chill all...
Than suddenly right...
We saw Her lah sey...
twice lak tu...
Sit near us somemore...
II won't mention name, U go guess kay joy (:
After that...
Go toilet for a while lah..
Stupid guys!!
See chest only, your hormones jumping is it??!!
We move from Taka and wanna proceed
to Plaza Singapura...
but right...
II depart half way from the gang...
Alah U know, II know, other bloggers dunno,
So ya...
That's all lah...
But fun lah girl go out together...
When ehk the next outing (:
Okay, pics time!!
V say II got my boobs extend!! wth!! hahaha!!

sempat joy We took pic in guys toilet

hooker, tranny, drag for sales!! Lelong leong
my new friend joy..

feeling2 only this 2 bitches, hahaha!!
memories ehk?? hahah!!
II tell U girl, the star is to cover my boncitness lah sey..

last pic with V's cam..
now, Netty's cam..

my face look shag sia..clevage last warning!!!

last warning sia Kho ur face!! hahaha..

lyk brother and sister right, hahaha!!

this look so wrong!! LOL!
Blogged @ 1:13 AM
♥ Friday, January 23, 2009
big girl already... (:
Happy Birthday ay Wanii, hahaha!!
Just turn twen-teen kay....
Still young, still hot, still bitchy
So ya...My loving BF treat me to dinner...
Had it somewhere in Vivocity...
First time ay BF say,"Order anything U
wanna eat, don't care about the price..."
Huat ah!!!
Had this seafood pasta, american pie(no pic)
& chocolate fondue lastly...
Lots of damage in the cost, hahaha!!
Overall, very full ehk!!

Basically, it was kinda romantic dinner lah... hahahaha...
1st time ehk!!!
Btw, thanks Syafiq(BF) for the surprise dinner...
Lup U kay??

To that someone...
Thanks for the box of chocolate...
Sweet of U ay...
Thanks for "celebrating" my burpday (:
Blogged @ 11:44 PM
♥ Sunday, January 18, 2009
lost and found (:
It may sound mushy..
It may sound cheeky..
Some may say, that sound so rubbish!!
But II don't care, hahahAh!!
II found my long lost love back!!
Suddenly he online back and started to chat all...
He's single, 23, a Bartender at Supperclub...
Siape interested, go cari info dier sendiri ehk.....
Then ya...
We webcam all...
He keep staring at my eyes all....
Chatted and webcam lyk nearly 6am???
Really lah, we got so much to catch up on each other...
Then now, he's back to busy....
Work work work and work je...
So ya...
Got things to type, but II prefer not...
Wait got some people II dunno who, sakit hati then
go create new gossip or even find faults with me [=
kay dah!!

Blogged @ 1:31 AM