♥ Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sunday Purple...

Feeling feeling to be in cinema in my own room right....
Been watching these movies recently....
back again to sick...
but this time round my voice really sound lyk 1 toad,
got my $60 but it seems lyk water flowing out fast from a bucket!!
will be working tomorrow and tuesday...
better get my full pay on Tuesday, if not boycott!!
II miss riding big bikes.................................................!!!
vroom vroom.................!!
When lah II can feeling feeling go eat at Seoul Garden ehk................???
Blogged @ 1:18 PM
♥ Tuesday, March 17, 2009
heLLo people [=
gee, my blog seems dead.....
Life is back to normal now...
So is my relationship [=
But II'm sick now...
it seems lyk the pain is poking at my heart and my back...
can't do much body movement
Seriously, II feel that II won't live long....
Oh ya...
Sara Natasha!!!
You cheat my feeling sey.....
*sob sob*
was so expecting You on last Saturday but than,
You never turun sey.......
But right, kecian You kena grounded...
what have You done this time round ehk...........
Seesha session last Saturday was Okay...
brought along my friend
So total got V, Fizah, Lan and Me...
Salwa, BF and friend join us later
We actually tried going to a new place for seesha
but right, they cheat our money lah!!!
Than not happy with the whole situation,
decided to go Going OM...
Barry wasn't there but Oliver is [=
(both guys are owner of Going OM)
Had Apple Mint..
the flavour was so strong but nice
and Fizah & Me totally forgets that V hated Mint!!!
Sorry tau V......
11 plus we make a move...
Pics are with Fizah, so wait long2 to see ehk??
Than You know what???
We saw a real Tranny outside Chijmes looking for customers!!
"Her" boob huge ehk.....
Fizah and V took 197 to go Jurong East...
as for me, took taxi and my friend send me back home...
Why lah East side people got no night rider going home???
SBS Company no brain!!!
think all East side people rich is it everytime go home by taxi!?

Than ya...
Monday afternoon II woke up...
II was greeted with a surprised!!
If You know where the bear came from what shop, You will guess that it is expensive....
but right, my Dad got it for FOC ehk!!!
Dunno how or why, He got it lah....
The Bear was name Roy..
plus when You press the right paw, it will say " II LOVE YOU....(2X)"
Damn!! II sound so childish now......
hehehe [=
Blogged @ 5:56 PM
♥ Wednesday, March 11, 2009
what's next?

We always fought on stupid reasons
Small little things will always end up big fuss
Seriously, II feel awkward now
II don't know whether things can be lyk how it used to be
Ya... II'm happy that II still have You by my side
but II'm sad that our relationship are lyk dead now
Will the 2 years go down the drain just lyk that??
II still do Love You Syafiq................
on the other side, Do You still really love me??
Blogged @ 10:04 PM
♥ Thursday, March 5, 2009
MY DEAR DEAR FRIEND IS OUT...........!!!!!
His nick is Ice, real name Ismail............
At last he's out from prison, yea yea [=
He's been release on 4 March, at night, he called me somemore!!!!!
SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!
Than now love to say,"Okay okay Power power" & II
go lyk what the hell ehk, LOL!
heheh [=
Knew each other for nearly 4 years but II've yet to meet Him sey!!!
so wanna meet You soon can???
muah!! muah!!
Blogged @ 1:22 AM
♥ Wednesday, March 4, 2009
time off
II realize that II came from the low income family
II realize II've been jobless for long time
but now II'm having a part-time job selling uniform in school
II'm happy even though it's tiring
as my friends are around me
II know You've been advising me to go to the
Suntec Job Fair to get a full-time job
but can You at least let me complete my part-time job 1st??
II've decided to give my name, so at least II must give my commitment right??
II know II've been asking You to buy this & that for me
but II only ask when II really need it
II don't understand why You kept forcing me to get a job
neither do my parents forces me to get a job
Since You wanted me to get a job, fine
Be it the right or wrong way kind of job, II will do it
You want to see me with money right, fine
II'm so sorry to waste your money all this while
Hey Syafiq,
II don't mind if You wanna get to know other rich girls
II'm just a girl with a Nitec cert and no future right
II'm just going with the flow of our relationship now
It hurts me but II got to be strong
II really do misses You much but
II don't think that's important
Money is important to You now
Thanks so much for everything
II guess II'll be alone for now
When II have money, we shall meet kay?
Blogged @ 7:08 PM