♥ Wednesday, October 21, 2009
pure malay dok!
II ask You ar,
does my face got the mix kind of looks??...
NO, right....
Is not that II perasan or whut lah,
but II tell You, 2 humans says so.....!!
Who? Why?
On the Deepavali day, went to visit my god-grandma...
One of her daughter, whom II haven't met for longlonglong time,
got so excited after seeing me??
II was lyk,"Who are you sia........",ahaha!!
She kept repeating bout the past all and kept asking whether II
still remember her daughter all.....
Sumpah Makcik! Aku tak ingat sia......
She than suddenly kept touching me and kept saying that II got
the Serani/Grago looks??
WTH, bangsa aper sia tu...
than tu takpe tau, came this chinese lady doing some house
inspection for elderly folks regarding the house rubbish chute/bin lah....
The moment she step into my god-grandma house, she got
sexcited sia seeing me!!!
Keeping asking whose child am II,keep saying the word pretty,cantik and keep
saying young all........
till my mum got irritated wanna say anything sia!!
Than this lady also say II look lyk a Serani/Grago girl....
II think II know why, coz' II wore coloured lense that day and my
hair are a bit of dye and ya....
Does that makes me look lyk a Serani/Grago girl??
penat sak layan karenah orang tua ni semua!

This kitty here actually don't belong to my family....
Eventually some humans must have taken that
my house is a SPCA, they decided to leave this kitty outside
of my house....
Idiot right such humans!!
Kecik-kecik tak nak mampos,dah besar menyusahkan orang lain je!!
Tapi okaylah, she's cute...
Her round eyes and short little tail, my mum was mesmerize decided to keep it (:
But right, my house now in waiting of 2 mummy cat to
give birth....
Baikkan...power abis...btol dasar SPCA rumah aku nii (:
Cats/kitten, 6 populations
Hamsters, 23 populatons
What's next?..
Blogged @ 1:26 AM
♥ Wednesday, October 14, 2009
perut sakit sia!!
II swear II feel sick now!!
Reason for it was, ATE TOO MUCH AT SEOUL GARDEN!!
and Fizah, at least II've tried that Seoul Garden ehk (:
II feel sick of meat sia.....
Wah II tell You, netty, syaz, nanu and me stinks too the max sia
after exiting that place!!
Became self-consious sak.....!!
If only can wear jumpsuits before BBQ-ing ehk,hah!
Lame and random, II know (:
Pics are with Netty, so can wait2 ayy...
Than proceed to Mustafa with BF...
Mak Oii!!
Mustafa area betol dah macam India ehk!!
Tuesday night but lyk weekends night sia over there,
suffocated due to many mamas....
Mustafa cheat my feelings kejap ehk!!
Thing over there should be cheaper right,
so II intend to get the Liese Hair Dye tau....
the price is the same as in Watsons AND the colours are so limited!!!
Now II have to make another trip to Watsons ):

hamster cages can be HDB flats,upper unit
lower unit (:
before bathing,II sempat posing ngan dier (:Saw those hamster cages right....Total population now is 23
Blogged @ 1:02 AM
♥ Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Post ini akan ditype dengan sepenuh nyer dalan bahase melayu (:
Baiklah, mari kite imbas kembali hari Jumaat,Sabtu dan Ahad lalu...
Ada bahagian ku ingin luahkan perasaan hati dan penat lelah ku...
Hari Jumaat kan V nyer BBQ pit kan, nak tau aper jadi tak??
Ku sampai dalam jam 8 lebih malam tau, tuan yang empunya to
pit pun sampai waktu same ngan aku lah ehk...
Dah gitu takpe, nak start api sampai 3 kali cuba baru leh menyala,
tapi tak lame lah sey....
BBQ ckit benda je, terus api pun padam!!
Waktu tu, Mickey dan kawan, Sara dan kawan, Salwa dan kawan
pun dah sampai...
Jadi, kene tunggulah sampai Lan sampai baru leh
BBQ makanan...
Nak tau mane waktu yg tershiok tak??
Tibe2 si tuan yg empunya tu pit ckp dier akan balik bile matair dier gerak ge keje??
Jadi aper guna nyer kan bile aku suruh Lan bawak tent,
jadi kite orang leh lepak sampai pagi??
Darah terus sot naik sak!!
Ni kate betol, cuma aku tak tunjuk geram je...
Tu pasal aku mati2 nak Fie stay over, tapi aper kan daya,
dier nak balik jugak ):
Bile tuan yg empunya tu pit gerak, dier bersih-bersihkan lah tu area SIKIT,
bih aku ngan Lan jadi SOCHAI kene bersihkan sane sini....
Ayam,hotdog,crabstik dan air coke masih berlambak ehk!!
Semua banyak masok dalam tong sampah!!
Siape tak geram kau bilang aku??
Lain kali cakap ar siang-siang tak yah bermalaman di ECP,
setakat aderkan BBQ je...
Ini kali terakhir ku akan "bermalaman" di pit orang,
lain kali takde peluang kedua ehk!!
Hari Sabtu pulak ku banyak abiskan mase membuta,hah!
Bangun je, mop rumah ngan vacuum..
Lepas tu goasok baju dan mengecat kuku kaki dan tangan..
Takde pape yg berlaku sangat..
Hari Ahad lak, bangun siang...
Akulah orang pertama untuk memekak di rumah ngan lagu 60-an,
Matair aku sampai 10 lebih,lepas tu gerak ge Tampines dulu...
Macam biase lah ehk kate janji melayu, janji kul 11,paling lambat
sekali sampai kul 1 lebih!!
Dlam perjalanan ge Ubi,moto matair buat hal lak...
Nak dekat masok carpark,moto dier tibe-tibe berhenti!!
Buat keje aku lak kene jalan kaki masok......
Lepas ge umah matair,tukar lak naik moto Phantom,hahah!!
Nasib baik tahun ni beraya tak sekecoh tahun lalu,
kalau tak memenatkan sia!!
Ku malas nak mengeload gambar (:
This will be in english ayy...
To that Lady who reads people blog and start gossiping behind
somebody's back, up to You ayy
You wanna report whut II blog to someone (:
If You wanna know so much bout my personal life,
come ask me...
Don't bother asking my precious Makcik, she's innocent ayy (:
Since You wanna be Ms Who Knows It All,
You don't realize right that friends can be nice infront of You
they can't bother when You face ya back on them??
Grow up You fool!!
Blogged @ 4:29 AM
♥ Friday, October 2, 2009
damn JAMU!
Cute or not how my hammy sleep??!!HAH!
at times while sleeping lyk that, it can still nibble on food!!
Betol mcm swine, hahah!
Well well...
Friday, Saturday and Sunday gonna be a busybusy day....
Later evening will be "rounding" Bedok Inter area there
than proceed to BBQ pit...
Saturday more troublesome!!
Once got home from pit, am gonna sleep 1st than
once awake, will be doing housework...
Done with that, will be ironing clothes and do my own pedimani (:
Have to sleep early that Saturday night as Sunday will be a
long tiring day...!!
Sunday wake up early, siapsiap and will be going
for the Team Radius Raya and II MUST
get ready Panadol sia!!
Plus now my condition is in a "weak situation" as
II've been taking this jamu for the past few nights!
but II have to put a stop to it for few days as II
didn't want somewhere at the wrong timing finding for toilet!!
Am afraid to eat now coz' confirm after eat, II cari toilet (:
II still need to go toilet again, till here..
More updates soon (:
Blogged @ 12:51 AM