♥ Monday, November 23, 2009
Saturday was splendid and II ended up
sleeping lyk a dead bear till Sunday afternoon!!
II had to run some errands by the Lady Boss at home,
so aper lagi, BF jadi my transportation lah.....
It's not my taking advantage of free rides ehk,
coz' II haven't been seeing him also
not forgeting to have my lunch cum dinner
at Simpang, Spize...
Confirm You people jelak right to keep reading and
seeing the word Simpang & Spize,
My favourite place mah (:
Wanted to have a look at John Little Sale,
the whole area was jam packed with vehicles and humans sia!!!
So, give it a miss....
Decided to meet V and gang,
so BF dropped me off at Bugis....
Half-hour spent walking alone, half-hour spent sitting down,
a few moments some boy talking to me bout' SAB
with helmet and my things around (:
*Janji kul 6pm tau kat situ, 7plus baru sampai dorang, hmpfft!
Decided to go for seesha, but kerna buat hati V bawak kereta,
there's nowhere to park near the seesha place
so we headed off to my area to pump petrol and lepak....
You know whut?!?!?
Fizah JAKON sia to see Pebbles Bay............
Alah, the bridge where it's connected to the Indoor Stadium and
most actors & actresses act one lah there......
Chill lepak chill lepak.....
Picnic under the cold night, play taiti and trueture, daredare game all....
You know....
whut II'm gonna type it's true ayy....
When we headed off from that Tanjung Rhu area,
the car window was wide open....
"When I Grow Up" was blasted....
wanna know whut happend next???
As driving the car down the road..........
There were about 3 Eurasians boys hanging out at a junction to the
right side of the road......
Our car catches their attention and we're on
the left side of the road.............
Suddenly 1 of them waved at our car lah sia!!!!!
II know II make You people anxious kejap kan.......?????
But seriously......
II was the 1st idiot to spot it tau and so
told the rest....
We aper lagi, we waved back ar....
Waving is not asking someone to come over right???
Common sense right....
The boy who waved earlier actually was about to
cross the road just to approach our car lah sey!!!
Motive dier???.. Still we dunno why, hah!
II really had fun after so long sia.....
Padahal lastlast Friday baru jumpe dorang ehk,
and Fizah, II know You took a pic while
II was holding somebody's hp and II CONFIRM look
f-ugly sia.....
So kan, You better send the pics a.s.a.p ehk,
aku nak tgk!!!!
Blogged @ 7:31 AM
♥ Friday, November 20, 2009
mari kemari...

If lah II were to make it to Japan,
II'll make sure that Akihabara is 1st in my list of places!!
II feel sexcited sia reading & seeing pictures bout Akihabara......
Bila lah duit nak gugur dari langit, so II can go to Nippon (:
Basically, Akihabara is an area whereby it is full
of weirdness.....
Lyk, anime freaks(otaku), game freaks, hotel weirdness
and many many more lah......
Nippon is a Fun country sia.....!!
Slowly must save money and shall go one day.....
So can't wait for my 2 years membership nii....
"Oh Santa,
please grant me manymanymany presents this year Christmas,
So wishful of me....
most to most nanti kene coloured ngan BF sendiri bab
tak tau nak cari keje betol-betol, hahahah!!
vV bile nak belanja lagi nii???
II know the pay You earn wasn't much but it was
so sweet and thoughtful of You still to belanja us (:
Thank You vV!!!
and II'm still anticipating for pics nii,
Seriously, II told Fie bout something...
and II actually feel pissed & sad bout it...
but II can't really bother ar, coz' everyone have the right to choose
who or what they wanna do about....
People will say, grow up! Don't be childish!
deep down my heart, only this specific word fits perfectly,
Blogged @ 10:30 PM
♥ Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wanna why??...
Don't be so religious 1st as II am trying to
express my happiness through the upcoming festive seasons!!!
See the two boxes below, example ehk....
II was told two choose between two present...
So II decided to take the left box instead of the right one...
Wanna know whut II just dumped??
The box that II've chosen was also equivalent to the handphone (:
and II won't tell You people whut is it,
Pandai-pandai lah korang teka ehk.....!!
Actually kan, II was so happy that II gave no reaction sia....
Coz' right, this Santa Ayah of mine disturbed my sleeping beauty
and wake me up just to choose between the 2 present!
Bile dah dapat present, senyum pun tak!!
Take Note : While or After II'm sleeping or awake, II'm lyk a tiger
being over protective with its cubs,hah!
II found this on the net...
Cool right the technology?!
II've seen this before lyk back so many years,
if II'm not wrong lah, Japan people created this, II think??
But whutever the point is,
II wanna say this to my old friend Yusri....
Remember back than in school where we were once
an Entrepreneur for something and they told us to discuss
and came up with something new and fresh??
Ingat tak Yusri!?!?
And aku ingat coz' II was the one whu suggest this hand-hanphone idea,
And it really do exist sia..............
II wonder how many more of my fantasy will become reality ayy.....
And yaa, there will be a movie coming soon
about Vampires being the normal population while Humans
are going to extinct....
Cool right, lyk part of my fantasy but it's just a movie,HAH!
Not wrong the title is Daybreakers
Netty, II nak pics of Seouling...
Fie, II pun nak pics of late night meet-ups!!
Blogged @ 9:41 PM
♥ Thursday, November 5, 2009
II got myself awake around 5plus AM just now....
the urge to pee lah that II'm awake early!!
Early mawning snap self pic, best part, makeup semlm tak cuci!!!
Eyeliner still intact ehk,LOL!
Nii lah name nyer budak Beauty Therapy abis!!
Why there's makeup on??
Went out yesterday evening, to get few more 3D nail sticker
and went to eat at Simpang with BF and friends....
That also explain, this girl here got home, dunno how to go bath,
never remove her makeup and contacts
and than sleeps!!!
but at least she change her clothes (:
Dah bangun siang takpe,
she go and waste her 3D nail sticker,
pasting on her ezlink and her mum's,
nii lah name nyer anak misali,heheh!!
Once the bus conductor sees this ayy, confirm kena
lecture one....
And yaa, there was 1 night II got so bored...
So II bongkar my drawer and found the Army Camo creme makeup....
Aper lagi, II start drawing my own facelah!!
but II tell You, it's fun okay (:
Coz' it takes off the boredness and makes oneself creative....
Now learning how to draw the Haka tattoo with the
camo creme,hah!
Life been good or great, nobody else will take notice
of it except ownself right??
So ya....
There's things II don't want to mention here, so II
wrote it in my diary (:
Lame II know, blog nii ader buat pe kan!!
II'm still learning how II wanna make certain of my
text in a post to be private and to unlock the text,
one have to enter the password (:
Cool uh.
Blogged @ 8:04 AM